Hypership Out of Control
Available now for Windows Phone 7
Space is a dangerous placed for even the most seasoned starship pilot, full of asteroids, multicolored floating blocks, and space mines. It's even more dangerous when you your accelerator is stuck to the floor and your brakes are out. Can you survive long enough to get that elusive high score or are you destined to add a new crater to the face of an unsuspecting asteroid?
Game Features You Will Love:

4 game modes (forward and reverse too)!

Online high scores!

Super retro graphic emulation!

Asteroids as big as your head!

Maniacal laughter that mocks your death!

Floating space eyeballs!
"Hypership Out Of Control is as brilliant on handsets as it was on consoles, and is arguably better suited for quick and frequent high score runs during long commutes. Highly recommended!"
- dealspwn.com
Indie Game Of The Week
"Hypership's colourful, slick and mind-meltingly fast action - coupled with its aggressively addictive 'just one more go' dynamic - ought to be a perfect fit for mobile handsets. And what do you know? It is. And it also happens to be free."
- mobot
5 out of 5
"First of all the look of the game is fantastic. It really brings the look of an 8 bit style game to WP7. The gameplay has the feel of Galaga or to a lesser extent Space Invaders but combines elements from a game like Falldown."
- BestWP7Games.com
"If you like fast paced, arcade style shooting games Hypership is definitely worth a try."
- WPCentral.com
8 out of 10